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The Search For God

Using Accepted Science To Prove God Exists, God Created The Universe And God Created Life


This site is for those who don’t know God, those who have lost their connection with God and those who have faith in God but who need some reassurance from time-to-time.

The intent here is to develop, justify and reinforce a belief in God using scientific facts to support that belief.  For those who don’t know God or who have wandered away, we want to bring you (back?) to a belief in His power and presence.

Included here are significant, peer-reviewed facts and evidence from scientists who are experts in their fields. 

The focus is on following the facts and evidence wherever they lead and avoiding unsupported opinions, conjectures and beliefs that have no basis in the facts. 

In the end, it is the facts and evidence that will prove God exists, God created the universe and God created life. 

Review the evidence, watch the videos, listen to the experts and then draw your own conclusions.

By its very nature, this material is somewhat science-y.  If you like science then you’re in the right place.  Get ready to be seriously blown away by recent discoveries and insights.  Be ready because the material, based on real science from real experts, will likely change your viewpoint on important topics.

If you’re not a science person, don’t worry.  Most of the material is presented in layman’s terms with a minimum amount of technical jargon.  If it gets to be too much, stick with the videos and the summaries provided throughout.

This is not a normal blog site comprised of somewhat independent articles on a variety of topics.  This is a focused set of articles on just a few primary topics that develop a core set of conclusions.  Think of it somewhat like a book except more concise.  The articles in each section build on each other so they are designed to be read sequentially as defined in the menus at the top of the page.  You can jump around if you’d like but you’ll get the full story if you stick to one section at a time and read the articles in sequential order.  In addition, the 2nd and 3rd sections are complementary so it is recommended that you read the 2nd section followed by the 3rd one.


The content proving that God exists, God created the universe and God created life is divided into three sections:

God Created The Universe

See amazing facts and evidence that prove God created the universe and our place in it to support life. We can now be 100% certain in that knowledge (10 articles)

God Created Life

Advances in cell biology have unveiled an amazing world at the molecular level. You’ll be blown away by what you see there. We can now be 100% sure that God created life because only God can design and create the cell and its amazing building blocks at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism (11 articles)

God Created Complex Life

Other amazing advances show that DNA was created with meaning and purpose.  Seriously.  It’s true.  We can now be 100% sure that God created complex life because only God could have created purpose and meaning at a molecular level within every cell in every living organism  (5 articles)

It’s possible you might be thinking something like, “Hmm, you’re making a big leap there saying those things” or “Yeah, sure, whatever you say.  That doesn’t fit my view of the world”.  Fair enough at this stage.  Take a look at some of the material and see if it doesn’t spark something in you.  You can see the flow of each section in the menus at the top of the page.

There’s a lot of material to cover in each section so it’s been broken into smaller, more digestible articles.   Each section includes an introduction and summary of key conclusions.  Each article also includes a set of summary conclusions.  Finally, the articles are written as concisely as possible.  The intent of all this is to present the relevant facts quickly because we recognize that your time is precious and limited.  That said, there’s a lot of great material here so feel free to bookmark this page and read all the content over time – like a book.

Start Here

Begin by watching this great 5 minute video from Illustra Media.  It provides an introduction to and quick overview of many of the topics we’ll discuss on this site.

For some, the subjects mentioned in the video may appear controversial and raise questions about the validity of all information discussed here.  Others may attempt to label the material in the video, and indeed all the material presented here, as “creationist” or some such in an attempt to derogatorily bully you into discounting it.  And still others may claim that material like this is an evangelical attempt to convert you to one religion or another.

While the theological focus of this site is obvious, no material is presented that is unique to Christianity, Judiasm, Islam or any other religion; there is no hidden agenda.  In fact, right up front it states very clearly the focus is on using scientific facts and evidence from real experts to prove God exists, God created the universe and God created life.

To those who say there is no God or reject the site’s overall premise, again, fair enough at this stage. Take a look at some of the material and see if it doesn’t spark something in you.  Follow the facts and evidence wherever they lead.  Then, it’s up to you to draw your own conclusions.

Introduction To God Created The Universe

In this set of articles, you’ll see some amazing things about the universe, the Milky Way galaxy, our solar system and the earth.  Watch this 5 1/2 minute video, featuring New York Times best selling author Eric Metaxas.  It provides a very good introduction to some of the core facts and evidence leading to proof God created the universe. Metaxas includes key insights from noted scientists including Fred Hoyle, Paul Davies, and John Lennox.

Introduction To God Created The Universe

Introduction To God Created Life And Complex Life

In this set of articles, you’ll learn some incredibly cool things about biology and the cell – things you likely never learned in your high school biology class.  Watch this 4 minutes video with Dr. Michael Behe introducing some of the facts and evidence leading to proof God created both initial life and complex life.  His excitement is engaging!

This video is the first in a series of five produced recently by Dr. Behe.  Feel free to watch them all if you have time.  We’ll come back to Dr. Behe later in the God Created Complex Life thread.

Introduction To God Created Life

Start With This 6 Minute Summary Of All Content Plus A Few More Videos

Or Dive Straight Into One Of The Sections: God Created The Universe

Please add a comment below or elsewhere but please be polite and constructive. Positive/constructive humor is also appreciated as long as it’s clearly humorous. No trolly humor or other such comments – it gets old and boring.


  1. Anonymous

    Thanks God I love you

  2. Valerie Schick

    I am 100% confident that God was our creator. I tried thinking of any other way, that thousands of species of animals could’ve either evolved or just appeared with the big bang. First of all, even if humans or animals could evolve from nothing, they would have to evolve in pairs. A male and female. Each animal species would have to evolve at the same exact time, in order to be able to have offspring. One male lion couldn’t evolve after 5 million years, and, the female evolve after 1 million years, because in order for them to multiply, they’d have to appear within 50 years of one another. Now that’s just one animal. We’re talking about thousands of animals appearing around the same time, and if a male human evolved from molecules multiplying, forming a human after 2 million years, in order to procreate, a male and female would have to appear around the same time. Then add the ocean animals, and insects all around the same time. That is an impossibility. It is even less scientifically possible than creation. The odds of that happening is so astronomical, it is absolutely impossible without being a God who has abilities so unbelievably huge, we can’t even imagine it. God created the world, planets, everything on earth, and everything that existed from the 1st day he created everything. It’s impossible to have been anything else, besides that, I had faith, way before I thought of what it would take. I am positive God created us.

  3. M.S.P.B.

    All types of higher sciences are exploring these questions way to deeply and never learning simply from Him, the truth is known and it is explained in the most simplest of mathematical sciences known to all of us. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Which means even a child can learn.

  4. Jenny Glennon

    There must be a Creator because everything man has made over the centuries came from the earth so simply that someone must have made the earth to start with! I think many can’t handle the idea that they are not in total control as it is scary and the idea of a God is hard to get your head around as a human

  5. Anonymous

    The time has come and is now here for people to worship in Spirit and Truth. God is spirit and seeks such worship. He says ‘go into your room, which is your heart, and pray to God who is unseen. Faith is believing in the things we do not see for we do not need faith in the things we do see.
    Thought I would share my beliefs.

  6. Peter Harris

    Having read all the interesting comments made by yourselves, I clearly, having been a student of the Bible for some seventy years, can see the problem that you are all experiencing.
    Most perceive that there is a God, a creator, that is clearly seen by the intelligent design in all creation, now recognised by leading scientists.
    But nature, living things, the universe, although we learn much, cannot reveal all we need to know about God, anymore than looking at the work of an artist. It does not identify the person, or his mind. Thus questions like why did he create life? What is the purpose of life? Why do we grow old and die? What happens when we die? Why does he permit suffering? What is the future for our planet? Etc. Etc.

    Many read the Bible, where all such questions are answered, but few can understand it.
    King Solomon in the book of Proverbs advised us to seek understanding and wisdom, to pray for decernment to the God who gives such to those deserving. Both Jesus and the apostle Paul spoke of “the Kingdom of God” in Matthew 13 Jesus describes the reason that it was only revealed to them, because they exercised faith in him, because they were humble, meek and desired to learn the truth about the Father.

    Likewise that truth, the understanding, is only revealed by means of God’s Holy Spirit. Jesus on one occasion gave the illustrations regarding the Kingdom of the God was he likened it to a collector of fine pearls, who upon finding a pearl of very high value, sold all his possessions in order to obtain it. One seeking that kingdom much take the time and effort required to do so.
    Remember that Jesus, when he sent out his disciples to begin the worldwide preaching campaign ( Mathew 24:14) commanded them not to cast ‘Pearls before Swine’ (or the understanding of the Kingdom) but only to those who had the right heart and who desired to know the truth.

    In Daniel 12, having revealed to Daniel what the Kingdom is and what it would accomplish for mankind, told him to close the book, that it’s understanding would be revealed in the ‘Last Days’ but many would rove through the scriptures, but not get the meaning.

    So, Where do we go to get the understanding? In the first century only the genuine disciples whom he said would remain in his word had the understanding. He said in the last days we could identify his disciples by the fact that they would have a genuine love for one another.
    Look forward to your replies,

  7. Lance

    I don’t contest whether or not God exists. I am convinced that no religion has the truth about the nature of God. Any religion that declares that God speaks to them through a living prophet is taking advantage of people’s desire to know the truth. To me, that is evidence that the religion is a lie.

    • Administrator

      This is not explicitly a Christian website but there are a couple lines in the Christian Bible that are pertinent here, “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they?” (‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:15-16‬)

      The key phrase to focus on is “You will know them by their fruits.” In other words, the things they say and do and teach should be closely considered. Many questionable “prophets” preach today but many others have also appeared in the last 200 years – some even forming large churches. Those that talk about humanity being derived from space aliens or our ability to become gods ourselves, for example, should be considered with discernment. The same applies to those who drive fancy cars, live in mansions and/or constantly talk about money are equally questionable. Same goes for those who hate others because of their political views. None of these things are good fruit representing God.

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