Summary Up Front
We can be 100% certain that God exists because we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that He created our “finely tuned” universe and our position in it to support life on earth.
To prove this, a series of articles containing all the pertinent facts and evidence are presented in five main sections:
- God And The Big Bang (2 articles)
- Key Takeaway: Science and religion are not at war; science and the Bible are aligned on the creation of the universe starting with the Big Bang
- God And The Laws Of Nature (3 articles)
- Key Takeaway: The universe is impossibly fine tuned to be able to exist and function as it does; the only viable, rational explanation for the existence of such a finely tuned universe is that it was created on purpose by God
- God And Our Place In The Universe (2 articles)
- Key Takeaway: There are hundreds of finely tuned characteristics about the earth and its place in the solar system. The probability that they were established by chance is zero. The only viable, rational explanation for the existence of such a finely tuned planet and solar system is that it was created on purpose by God
- Debunking Other Explanations (1 article)
- Key Takeaway: Several alternate explanations, including random chance, multiverses and computer simulations, are easily refuted as being either impossible or mere speculation based on zero facts and evidence
- Summary (1 article)
- Key Takeaway: We know God exists because we can be 100% certain that he created the finely tuned universe and our position in it to support life on earth
Check out the detailed articles in each section for an full explanation of how these conclusions were developed – along with really cool videos.
The articles are ordered in the first three sections so it’s recommended that they be read in the presented order.
Key Overall Conclusion
We know now that there are a few dozen mathematical formulas used to describe how the universe works and we know those formulas include cosmological constants that are finely tuned to an inconceivable level of precision. We also know that there are hundreds of other finely tuned factors corresponding to our place in the universe and how the earth is formed and functions around us. The mathematical improbabilities of all these things coming together into one finely tuned universe – even over billions of years – clearly proves that it’s impossible for such a universe to have been created by mere chance – or by any other explanation. The only viable explanation for the existence of such a finely tuned universe designed to support life on earth is God acting as an all-powerful designer who can operate outside the bounds of our universe.
Key Take-Away: We know God exists because we can be 100% certain that He created the finely tuned universe and our position in it to support life on earth.
This 5 1/2 minute video, featuring New York Times best selling author Eric Metaxas, provides a very good high-level overview of the core facts and evidence but comes at it from a different angle starting with the likelihood of life arising on other planets. Metaxas includes key insights from noted scientists including Fred Hoyle, Paul Davies, and John Lennox.
If you already watched this video while reading the home page, feel free to skip it here. However, it’s a really good overview so feel free to watch it again.

Karen S Danz
I know there is a God, because I heard him call my name. As I got off work at a Christian based women’s shelter, I was sitting in my living room watching TV, I fell asleep, no one was around me or called me on the intercom. But I did wake up to God calling my name. That experience only brought me closer to God.
Jenni Jackson
@Peter Kroeker thank you so much for sharing. Your post resonates so much and I am beyond thankful for reading it.
Shane Hill
Lack of proof for God’s existence doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist any more than lack of evidence for a crime doesn’t mean someone didn’t commit a crime.
Peter Kroeker
You make a valid point when you say that you cannot prove God exists. Many have tried, and if I understand my science correctly, they have all failed. And yet, I’m not an atheist. In fact my Jewish friend called me a “born again Christian.” There are people who would say that proves that I am ignorant. I won’t bother arguing that I’m not ignorant, but I will argue that you have no proof that I am ignorant. We all have our mental limitations. Upon very close examination we would all find we believe in some lies. Am I saying we can never know anything for certain. No. Even though I can’t prove God exists, I am fully convinced that He does exist. How do I arrive at that conclusion despite having never seen Him with my eyes or heard his voice with my ears? Well, I know that my wife loves me. I have no proof, and yet I know without a doubt that she loves me. I have experienced her love many times. When I’m away from home for some time and I return I can always be sure she will greet me with a genuine smile and kiss, and she will put extra effort into cooking the meal we will share. None of this is proof, but there is more than enough evidence that she loves me that I never have to doubt. I find that the same is true of God. I can’t prove He exists. Obviously He doesn’t fit into a test tube. Although many people have argued they have proof that God exists, they don’t. But is there evidence that God exists? Plenty. Similar to the way I experience my wife’s love, I also experience God’s love. For example on numerous occasions I have had a strong “impression” that God wanted me to do something. Sometimes I don’t want to do it because I am afraid I will fail. Like a few years ago it seemed He had decided we should go to the Philippines to teach in a Christian school. We had both retired from teaching telling people that we had had great experiences teaching and we wanted to quit while we were still appreciated as teachers. So, our first reaction to the “nudges” we felt was, no that’s ridiculous. We would have to pay for our own fare and we are not wealthy. Both of us had some medical issues that caused us to hesitate removing ourselves too far from medical help. But then my wife, who faithfully reads a passage from the Bible every day, ran across phrases like, “don’t be stubborn; I won’t stand for it”, “I will give you the expertise, I will put the words in your mouth”, and “I will bless your food and water.” We were convinced God was telling us to go. Our obligation was to teach the grade 8 language arts program to 3 grade 8 classes. It was 8th graders who had given me more mental anguish than any other classes. Earlier after a few unhappy attempts at teaching language arts, I always avoided it, rather choosing Math and Science. We packed up in a hurry and went. Well, we soon noticed we had very exceptional students. Yes, they occasionally groaned about the assignments, but they were always attentive and put good effort into their work. Once in a while I checked if they didn’t have halos over their heads. At the end of the year they wrote the Cambridge English Language Arts exam, and the principal of the school told us they had never had a class of 8th graders with an average score as high as our three classes had just achieved. That would have been reward enough for us, but it seems that God had decided to reward us further. We are butterfly enthusiasts. The people we stayed with decided to start a butterfly farm. When they were gone overnight I was responsible to feed the butterflies. I checked if there was anything we could do during our brief stopover in Tokyo on our return flight. We saved ourselves a few hundred dollars by taking the 300 km/hr Bullet Train to see Mr. Fuiji and a cruise on a lake in an old volcanic crater, and a delicious meal sampling typical Japanese dishes. There was more, but let this suffice. It seemed God just outdid Himself in HIS expression of thanks to US. How many coincidents can you experience before you ask yourself, “what is the explanation?” So, no, I can’t say I can prove that God exists, but I keep experiencing Him, which for me does away with all doubt. Just like God never forced us, He will never force you, but I’m convinced anyone who will open his heart and mind to Him will have similar experiences. I can’t imagine anything more satisfying.
Lee Williams
Keep searching Joe. You will find the answers you seek. Trust in the Lord with your whole heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Sonia Mañas
It’s true. If there’s a creation, there is a Creator. I also believe in the miracle of God. My existence is a worked of God for a purpose. Without Him I’m nothing. God is in control of everything. We can’t do the amazing work of God. Trust in the Lord and in the power of His might. Amen
Tinashe Kasinamunda
Thanks so much for the information. God is there for everything. To come into existence there should be architecture. In this case it has revealed itself that God is the Alpha and the Omega. Glory to the king, the most high.
Mbonisi Dimba
This is so true. There is God who created us we all the same in front of God. Please help me. Should I predict my life based on the astrology and how stars act?
Joe keepser
I fail to see the evidence. Just because it is, is not evidence. Evidence requires proof and nothing here proves there is a God or what God is. Chance can be God according to your “takeaways” and extrapolations.