This site is for those who don’t know God, those who have lost their connection with God and those who have faith in God but who need some reassurance from time-to-time.
The intent here is to develop, justify and reinforce a belief in God using scientific facts to support that belief. For those who don’t know God or who have wandered away, we want to bring you (back?) to a belief in His power and presence.
Included here are significant, peer-reviewed facts and evidence from scientists who are experts in their fields.
The focus is on following the facts and evidence wherever they lead and avoiding unsupported opinions, conjectures and beliefs that have no basis in the facts.
In the end, it is the facts and evidence that will prove God exists, God created the universe and God created life.
Review the evidence, watch the videos, listen to the experts and then draw your own conclusions.
By its very nature, this material is somewhat science-y. If you like science then you’re in the right place. Get ready to be seriously blown away by recent discoveries and insights. Be ready because the material, based on real science from real experts, will likely change your viewpoint on important topics.
If you’re not a science person, don’t worry. Most of the material is presented in layman’s terms with a minimum amount of technical jargon. If it gets to be too much, stick with the videos and the summaries provided throughout.
This is not a normal blog site comprised of somewhat independent articles on a variety of topics. This is a focused set of articles on just a few primary topics that develop a core set of conclusions. Think of it somewhat like a book except more concise. The articles in each section build on each other so they are designed to be read sequentially as defined in the menus at the top of the page. You can jump around if you’d like but you’ll get the full story if you stick to one section at a time and read the articles in sequential order. In addition, the 2nd and 3rd sections are complementary so it is recommended that you read the 2nd section followed by the 3rd one.
The content proving that God exists, God created the universe and God created life is divided into three sections:
God Created The Universe
See amazing facts and evidence that prove God created the universe and our place in it to support life. We can now be 100% certain in that knowledge (10 articles)
God Created Life
Advances in cell biology have unveiled an amazing world at the molecular level. You’ll be blown away by what you see there. We can now be 100% sure that God created life because only God can design and create the cell and its amazing building blocks at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism (11 articles)
God Created Complex Life
Other amazing advances show that DNA was created with meaning and purpose. Seriously. It’s true. We can now be 100% sure that God created complex life because only God could have created purpose and meaning at a molecular level within every cell in every living organism (5 articles)
It’s possible you might be thinking something like, “Hmm, you’re making a big leap there saying those things” or “Yeah, sure, whatever you say. That doesn’t fit my view of the world”. Fair enough at this stage. Take a look at some of the material and see if it doesn’t spark something in you. You can see the flow of each section in the menus at the top of the page.
There’s a lot of material to cover in each section so it’s been broken into smaller, more digestible articles. Each section includes an introduction and summary of key conclusions. Each article also includes a set of summary conclusions. Finally, the articles are written as concisely as possible. The intent of all this is to present the relevant facts quickly because we recognize that your time is precious and limited. That said, there’s a lot of great material here so feel free to bookmark this page and read all the content over time – like a book.
Start Here
Begin by watching this great 5 minute video from Illustra Media. It provides an introduction to and quick overview of many of the topics we’ll discuss on this site.
For some, the subjects mentioned in the video may appear controversial and raise questions about the validity of all information discussed here. Others may attempt to label the material in the video, and indeed all the material presented here, as “creationist” or some such in an attempt to derogatorily bully you into discounting it. And still others may claim that material like this is an evangelical attempt to convert you to one religion or another.
While the theological focus of this site is obvious, no material is presented that is unique to Christianity, Judiasm, Islam or any other religion; there is no hidden agenda. In fact, right up front it states very clearly the focus is on using scientific facts and evidence from real experts to prove God exists, God created the universe and God created life.
To those who say there is no God or reject the site’s overall premise, again, fair enough at this stage. Take a look at some of the material and see if it doesn’t spark something in you. Follow the facts and evidence wherever they lead. Then, it’s up to you to draw your own conclusions.
Introduction To God Created The Universe
In this set of articles, you’ll see some amazing things about the universe, the Milky Way galaxy, our solar system and the earth. Watch this 5 1/2 minute video, featuring New York Times best selling author Eric Metaxas. It provides a very good introduction to some of the core facts and evidence leading to proof God created the universe. Metaxas includes key insights from noted scientists including Fred Hoyle, Paul Davies, and John Lennox.
Introduction To God Created Life And Complex Life
In this set of articles, you’ll learn some incredibly cool things about biology and the cell – things you likely never learned in your high school biology class. Watch this 4 minutes video with Dr. Michael Behe introducing some of the facts and evidence leading to proof God created both initial life and complex life. His excitement is engaging!
This video is the first in a series of five produced recently by Dr. Behe. Feel free to watch them all if you have time. We’ll come back to Dr. Behe later in the God Created Complex Life thread.
Start With This 6 Minute Summary Of All Content Plus A Few More Videos
Or Dive Straight Into One Of The Sections: God Created The Universe
Please add a comment below or elsewhere but please be polite and constructive. Positive/constructive humor is also appreciated as long as it’s clearly humorous. No trolly humor or other such comments – it gets old and boring.
All comments are well-intentioned and thought out
The Bible is a storybook recounting events many years after they happened
Religion is a crutch for those who need it A way to control others in what is at this time an acceptable manner
Religion is to have power over your fellow man in some way fish on Friday etc
Kneeling in church, following religious dogma
Praying and confession are ways of attempting to relieve the mind of turmoil its owner has caused
If they do not harm anyone they may be therapeutic
Measuring the true value of these exercises is subjective at best
Treat your fellow man as you would like to be treated
If everyone did that we would function as a society much better
Believe in yourself and the fairness you treat others with
At issue here is this is just your opinion. We all have opinions – about everything in our lives. And we’re free to have them. But that doesn’t make them true, reliable, or authoritative. On the other end of the spectrum, this site presents scientific evidence and factual information pointing to the existence of God.
Scientific evidence to the contrary is welcome but personal opinions – less so.
I have been searching for God all my life. I had little faith until I looked back at my life and saw how he was walking by my side. He kept me alive while some of my friends have passed away (murdered), drug overdose and car accidents he stood by me and kept me safe. I wouldn’t be here or might be locked up in prison, but my desire to get to the kingdom of heaven kept me out of the extreme. Today I work in the medical field and still seek the Lord and I think faith is a life long battle. We will always have doubts, but if there wasn’t bad things that happen why would we need God. I believe in oxygen, I know I breathe it but I don’t see it, but just like that I have to believe my Lord is by my side.
In the Scriptures Jesus says “no man takes my life, I give it.” Therefore Jesus’ death is not seen as murder but a willing sacrifice to save another. No greater love than one would give his life for another. Throughout the Bible both Love and Justice are in balance, much like the created universe. This balance shows an infinite loving God. For love without justice would show favoritism or permissiveness. Justice without love would show a lack of compassion or concern.
I, also, have a higher view of God, the Creator, that I cannot allow my emotions, feelings, limited experiences, studies, or the finite capacities of my own human mind’s capacities – which I believe to be so much inferior to a mighty God [to cloud my understanding of the truth]. For I either have a greater view of my own intellect and understanding, becoming my own god, or I come before an Infinite Great Creator God that I leave the rest in my conquest to understand Him more.
Yes God made it all so true.
To begin with, I do believe in a God, a divine creative energy. In fact unlike Dr Collins I believe in Intelligent Design. Somehow I don’t have faith enough to believe in the evolutionary process that could produce the complexity we see in creation no matter how many billions of years one might accept as the time frame necessary to arrive at this point in history. HOWEVER I can not bring myself to accept the idea of he and C S Lewis, that This Creator who is the embodiment of love, required a murder ( Jesus) in order to save mankind and that this act of shedding blood thousands of years after man’s first appearance on earth to a small ethnic group ( Jewish) somehow forms the basis of satisfying His need for justice for all mankind, even to those who have never heard of Jesus because they belong to their own inherited cultural religion. The words of Voltaire that “ God created man, then man created God” seems relevant here. The Bible rather than being the wished for revelation of the creator is likely the product of the created. I have a higher view of this Creator as one of infinite love towards everyone and certainly not the one depicted in exclusive evangelical salvation theology or the slaughters in the Old Testament apparently ordered by this God.
Thanks for your comments here – they are very much appreciated. I think we’re on the same page regarding God’s existence and His role as Creator of the universe and life. Ordinarily, I’d stop there and say “we’re good” since the point of the material on this site is to help others recognize those same truths. But you raise some interesting points about the Bible, Judiasm and Christianity that warrant a couple comments.
First, I absolutely agree God has infinite love for everyone – a point very much in line with biblical and Christian teaching. Some will rightly question that statement because, frankly, many (most?) Christians are TERRIBLE at reflecting God’s love in the world as they should. But that doesn’t take away from the truth of what Jesus and his disciples actually taught. Nor should it dissuade you from more deeply considering that truth.
Second, Christians get a bad rap for being “exclusive” when, in reality, every faith has some set of core beliefs. If you don’t believe what they believe then, you might perceive yourself as “excluded” from that faith. This can even apply to your own beliefs above. If I don’t believe them alongside you then I might consider myself excluded from your faith.
Finally, I originally created this site and others because my faith was unclear. I had doubts and questions about God and His role as Creator of the universe and life so I started looking for deeper answers. Fortunately, I came across a whole pile of books, papers, articles, videos, etc – mostly represented here – to address those doubts and questions. But I didn’t stop there. I also had some serious doubts and questions about the Christian faith I was brought up with – many like those you highlight above. So I started looking for more answers. And again, fortunately, I came across another whole pile of books, papers, articles, videos, etc. If you’re interested, take a look at one of my other websites – On that site, you’ll find a fairly structured set of material representing more clarity – as briefly as possible – validating the truths associated with God, Christ and the Bible. I found that material so compelling that it led me to become a seminary student. Just saying…
Gillian Brown-McCord, Reverend
I see some agnostics have come forward questioning God’s existence, by questioning God’s might, and capacity for empathy, using examples like children being born with birth defects and what have you. I was born with a birth defect, myself. I still had an amazing childhood. Here’s the thing – yes a defect can hurt, and it can shorten a person’s life. But when it’s a birth defect, it’s important to understand the relativity issues for the baby.
For the baby, we have nothing to compare it to. We are just born with a certain pain and that’s our normal. It’s not like we come into pain. We are just born a certain way. There’s nothing for US to compare it to. It’s just our normal way of life. I had a condition that caused bladder and kidney infections. I had bladder infections almost weekly. Kidney infections were almost as frequent, but frequent UTI testing helped to curb the incidences of kidney infections. I had these issues for almost 8 years before I had surgery. I didn’t even usually know if I had a bladder infection until it was pretty severe. I still don’t usually notice UTI pain as an adult, until it’s pretty severe. It’s just how I was made. I was born to have UTIs lol. What that tells me is that UTI symptoms aren’t as severe for me as they might be to a person who was born without the same defect. Mine was cured by surgery mind you.
Also, I think alot about my time having a birth defect whenever this kind of issue comes up. When an atheist deems my imperfect body as a sign of there being no God, or that God is somehow heartless and uncaring, it hurts my heart! See, imo, my life was only really meant to last for a year or two on this planet. Maybe even less. That’s not a travesty, either. See, my teenaged and adult life was much more painful than my childhood! I won’t go into details. I will say that I was married to a bona fide psychopath once. Nuff said.
Look, have you ever heard of string theory or the multiverse? Well, maybe you have heard of the marriage vow “til death do us part!?” Remember. God made the cosmos. He made the multiverse. The multiverse is what makes everything essentially immortal. Well, not exactly immortal but capable of rebirth. Our energy is said to go to an alternate universe. We go and live another life. Both Stephen Hawking and Einstein believed that.
When you think about it, it’s not such a dangerous or scary thing, after all, to have had short life. Or even to “die ”
Death and time are illusions. Till death do us part, is where the Bible TELLS us a multiverse is there/here/in our midst. Beyond the whole lake of fire (likely located in an alternate universe spared for false prophets and the so called beasts) along with the new heavens and new earth, also likely another universe within the multiverse, just filled with much more lovely amenities, for believers. And hey, not knowing God isn’t enough to be “punished” in the way you are thinking. Most of us just end up in the next level of the multiverse, which is a gigantic, like, googleplex of other universes, many of them probably not much unlike our own. Some, very different, with different rules of physics/laws of nature, etc.
I think it’s important to keep studying the Bible, but also to remember that the Bible isn’t a fax from heaven. It is the INSPIRED word of God. Meaning, humans had to decipher whatever the inspiration was that was being given them to share.
And 2,000 years ago, we didn’t have all this modern technology. Language was completely different. Everything was different. If we went back 2,000 years, it would FEEL like a different world. Because it WAS different.
So we now have to read between the lines and not take it all so literally. If you disagree, GOOD. There’s a high likelihood that other books that were erroneously left out (infuriating as this is) in order to fill the agendas of the rulers who were compiling them at the time. For instance… In most cases, the verses that now use the word homosexual, were originally
words that translated as pedophile men who sleep with young boys. Even the Bible, with all it’s good intentions, can be deceiving, since too much time has passed since it was last translated, and wrongly, even in that case.
The moral of the story here is this: Humans are prone to making mistakes.
When faith takes the FRONT seat, we start to see things more clearly. More accurately. And from a much wider lens. Next time you get stuck on one verse or story, move forward. Recognize that this story or verse may not be understood because of how much the English language itself has changed in the past few hundred years.
And then you will see things with a wide angle lens, and perhaps, see His Glory.
And if you don’t, it’s okay. You do have eternity to get there. And he’s not going to give up on you in just a few decades. Oh, God, No. 😉
If such a thing as God exists, why do so many worship so many? The ancient Egyptians existed way before modern religions, I can’t see how Christianity, Islam, Judaism and all others aren’t just a system for conformity. It doesn’t make sense to me, none of them do. If you worship, and your life is better as a result, that’s good for you, but I personally can’t believe a book written thousands of years ago, especially when there is documented evidence of people existing and worshipping other forms long before said book was produced.
There is a God and there is proof. Skeptics just don’t want to see that so they try to prove the evidence wrong. For all those that ask for evidence of a God, look at the Bible, and look at the reasoning behind the Bible. Nobody can prove the Bible wrong, so why do you think it’s a lie?
Paul hyland
Could someone who has ‘science falsely so-called’as their god please give me the first 2 laws of thermodynamics ,explaining it in very simple terms and then explain how the big bang happened NATURALLY and how this universe has been here for ”hundreds of millions of years”.
Michael Mills
I’m 41 years old. My wife is religious as are our children. I consider myself agnostic leaning towards atheist. Once I found out I was lied to about Santa Claus and the Tooth Ferry I realized how easy it was to truly believe something just because you were taught about it. That’s when I started wanting proof before believing anything. I realized I had never heard, felt, seen God or had a prayer answered. From selfish prayers to selfless prayers. I want there to be a God. I don’t want my life to end. I don’t want to say my final goodbyes to my wife and kids someday and never see them again. I respect religious people who truly live by the teachings of peaceful religions. They are few though. I find myself more moral and honest than many who claim to be God-fearing. I find most atheist to be unpleasant to be around so I tend to seek out the company of believers. I feel I get along with them better but most are shocked when they find out I don’t believe in God’s existence. I read all of the Old Testament when I fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was searching for comfort in knowing I might die. I can tell you, there are non-believers in Fox holes. I just started listening to the Bible during my 2 hours of driving back and fourth to work each day. Started from the beginning again and this time in modern English so I can understand it. I just have questions and disagreements. People say they see God when they look at how complex and perfect nature is. How amazing the human body is. It seems that way when I look at my baby. But then I see babies born where there skin falls off or they are born with intestines hanging out of their bodies and live short, painful lives. Is that God? I’ve seen pieces of children that was once a beautiful child blown up by a suicide bomber. Is that God as well? I understand the statement that God gave man free will so evil exists. But if God is all powerful, when will he step in and save kids who are raped or shot to death such as the Sutherland Springs Church only 4 miles from my home? People mention eyeballs and eye sight and how impossible that is without God yet eyes have appeared in nature at least 7 different times. Each eye. Wings are totally different. First being made of quarts, then light sensing cells, then insect eyes. Each type being more complex until we get to eyes like humans which are actually linked to fish eyes. Our eyes have to stay moist because they were designed for water. Insect eyes actually do better on land. I’ve told my Mother I don’t have a problem with living a moral life as the Bible teaches. Even praying to God. But that can’t make me believe he exists. My Mother says I have to believe in God and that he exists. That’s like saying someone has to like the taste of cilantro, which I love by the way. Either you do or you don’t. My Mother says it doesn’t matter if I follow Gods teachings and live a good life, I will still go to hell if I don’t believe he exists. Is that really true? My Dad says the choice is easy. Just believe and if he doesn’t exist than you’ve lost nothing. Ok, but I can’t just believe something exists because it’s the smart play. I think eternal hell is kind of harsh for someone who wants there to be a God, lives by his teachings, just doesn’t believe his existence because hey ever seen, felt, heard him. Am I going about this the right way? It’s just hard to believe there’s an all powerful God who loves us all after seeing the things I’ve seen. I respect everyone here. Not trying to offend or create doubt in anyone else.
A Perspective on Evil and Suffering
Hey Michael,
It seems you have a heart for God but your head has too many doubts. I don’t expect you’re alone in that regard. Perhaps reading more content here will help your head get more aligned with your heart?
In any case, you bring up many excellent points and it’s way above my paygrade to answer them all definitively. Perhaps I’ll attempt to address the hardest ones: your points about evil and suffering. First of all, I very much empathize with your views on and mourn for the evil and suffering we see all around us every day – so much terrible pain. Certainly we can all recognize we live in a fallen world but the questions remain: why did God create such a world and why does He continue to allow evil and suffering to persist?
Many books – perhaps hundreds – have been written on this matter so there’s no way to provide a full answer in a short space. Consider three core aspect my personal faith that might be helpful: 1.) I strongly believe we have a soul such that those who have faith and trust in God will be blessed and in His presence after physical death, 2.) I long to be in God’s presence, despite the pain and suffering, because I trust in His goodness, and 3.) I also trust God’s justice so those who sin unrepentantly will be judged for their evil and punished.
That said, I expect point #2 is the most difficult one to agree with. Here’s my view on that: starting with a faith that God is the definition of good gives me comfort because I then know He will turn all things toward His good plan for the world. We see this happen all the time. Consider just one example, the abduction and death of Amber Hagerman in 1996. I believe God worked through her parents, politicians and others to convert that tragic evil into the Amber Alert System which is now in place around the world saving other children from the same fate. It’s also comforting to know that her murderer will likely be harshly punished in hell.
That one example (there are so many more) can give us hope, through faith, that other pain and suffering ultimately results in good according to God’s plan even if we don’t see the results ourselves or in our lifetimes. For sure, this is a matter of strong faith but with such faith I know that I can trust God completely and therefore long to be in His presence when I die. And it is with such faith that I have no fear of dying. In all honesty, my faith grew to this point in large part because of the material presented in this site.
I hope this helps. For more on the topic evil and suffering, you can consider checking out And feel free to send a direct message thru the “Contact Us” link at the bottom if you would like to discuss this or any other topic more thoroughly.
Which God? If any god is responsible for creation, what evidence is there that it is the god you believe in?
Most unbelievers/believers blame God for everything, especially when things go wrong. What they tend to forget is that God gave us freedom of choice. It is by our choices we make in life that we face trials and tribulations, because we listen to the flesh and not to the Spirit. The Bible is Spiritual and not flesh. Almost everyone perceives the Bible as flesh. If you are blessed spiritually you will be blessed naturally. Our way is not His way and we are like stubborn children that throw tantrums when we don’t get what we want then blame God. Bad things happen in life, we cannot stop that. It is the person who did it to us or what we went throughs, spirit and perception of the world that caused that to happen. Yes, you may have been innocent in what you have experienced, but have you ever thought of blaming the devil for what you are going through? He is the one that comes to cheat, steal, ruin, and lie, not God. God only wants what’s best for you, He loves you. He is your Father and parent’s always want what’s best for their kids. Parent’s also have to say no sometimes. They also have to discipline you when you have been disobedient. Do you go around blaming them and stop speaking to or believing in them when that happens? No you don’t, so why do it with God? May you all be blessed beyond measures. Take care and stay safe.
Ohk. So just more theories by scientists because that is all this is. You can claim facts but it’s not and this proves absolutely nothing! It’s like me saying how do we know it was one bang!? What if it was just a mess of these forces that kept banging 😀 and ya eventually this crazy spectacle that is earth was created. I’m not saying it was or that I believe in the big bang, evolution, etc. I have always had faith and believed I felt God, he is there, that he helped me through times I did’nt think I could get through But I can’t say for sure if that was not just all in my head. We can mold anything inside there really, even in the harshest or cruelest times. If there was this GOD with his angels & all that. Answer me one question. Why would all these bad things be happening in this world with nobody doing nothing? No spiritual, physical or any type of intervention for that matter. This almighty creator and controller of every living thing would let women or even worse children get kidnapped, raped and murdered. People have suffered horrific things that most can’t even imagine. Probably then cursing this so called God to strike them dead rather, followed by you don’t exist, show yourself, Anything? Would it be so bad or make this world a better place?! Yes, definitely because evil would think twice or not exist in the first place. So my personal conclusion is that I am done with religion from this day until my last. Not believing the propaganda and caring about it. That will help me in general instead of holding onto something I don’t think is real. If I am wrong make an example of me? In any way that would be considered your wrath, I dare you! it’s a sacrifice or whatever you wanna call it i’ll make without question. Give a time frame and I will come post again. Goodnight and be good 🙂
Jim M Ziegler
Thank you for this website, which may be helpful for seekers of God. The Lord promises “Seek, and you will find.”
J. Conn
It all depends on what the individual considers a God is. Some say Christ is, others say his father was. Yet there are many other deities. To me its very simple. “The one thing that can create life when there is no life existing is God.”
God's a phony
One person stated that God was real and everyone went with it. No one has ever provided any evidence, and sure you can say to have faith is everything you need but without proof your faith could be meaningless. Keep in mind this, if a Jesus showed up in present day instead of back then absolutely no one would believe him. Also maybe your denying everything I said and I hope for your sake you’re correct, but I want you to imagine death like really imagine it like actually stop and think about death with no heaven imagine just being out of existence.
A humans life is fairly short, I have lived quite a bit for 47. i was not raised religious, Mom was lutheran and Dad was spiritual. They did not push religion on any of the kids. Mom died when I was 14 from cancer. I joined the AirForce at 17. As a medic in the Airforce I witnessed things that defied science and physics. Both of my sisters denounced God through their proud atheistic ways. Dad died a few years ago, dementia got him. Interesting thing, many proud people have a grudge with God and do not understand that their trials are there to transform you and test the sincerity of your spirit, much like forging iron. The metal is heated, and then pounded till the impurities are amalgamated. That is trial! I have endless reasons to hate God, but, since I am mature enough to understand the process, and grateful enough to know that this trial will not last forever, I take it in stride. Pride is tearing this country to pieces, and godless sinners are running rampant. I am alone in flesh, but filled with the spirit. And I can always tell when I am near true believers. I also dabble in science, and I must say that i did not need this article to prove to me that God is very real, and soon we will all know he is. Only proud humans would deny the lord, and they will be denied at the end. There are NO atheists in Foxholes, never seen one. Anyway, Godbless and go in peace.
Artie whitefox
Matthew 13:13, KJV people search for God. They are blind and deaf to spiritual things. Blind deaf people will not recognize God’s voice through a person talking to them. Blind deaf people will argue with that person, or mock them or ignore, or curse them, continuing to stubble in the dark.
Praise be to God
Thank you for this website, The Search for God, God exists. As for atheists remarks I tell them atheism is NOT Science. And yes I have read many papers on Scientists views on intelligent design versus evolution, and the support you refer to. If people want to believe humans descended from apes and life started in a pool, they are the deluded ones. Bacteria do best in a warm, moist, protein-rich environment that is pH neutral or slightly acidic.
God created man in His image. Among the quotes from an American astronomer and planetary physicist and a NASA scientist, Robert Jastrow was “It seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”
― Robert Jastrow (1925-2008).
KT Kishan
Bible is about spiritual truth not factual or literal truth. No Science or any book can make us comprehend God and put him neatly in our pockets. Literal understanding only makes God small. Thanks
KT Kishan
Science is NOT about proving any thing. It can only provide evidence which itself is not about 100% proof.
Dear Patrick Sikwane. The entire earth after the flood was populated by the sons of Noah. Genesis 9:18-19. So all colors are represented through them. Japheth-European people’s, Ham-Egyptians/Palestinians, Shem-Hebrew/Semitic people. God is concerned with the heart not color. If humans do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior then their color definitely won’t save them. You have to study the Hebrews and understand the curse they are under due to disobedience to God because of idolatry. But know God will restore all things very soon. Study the Bible and ask God to reveal the truth to you! I assure you there will be plenty of all colors of people in Heaven.
I am not sure of anything, but if God made humans he will not allow us to suffer and he will not allow innocent get punished in this world
I would like to comment on the scientific proof of God and also how can one convince atheists of the existence of God. First of all lets leave the Bible asides and turn our intellectual attention and our minds to two things! The complexity and diversity of humans and secondly, the complexity of the vast existence of the universe with planet earth and all of nature.
Firstly, it does not take a rocket scientist to look into the complexity of the human automony to figure out how in detail every part of the human works in perfect order. One just has to read up on certain parts of the human autonomy (for example the working of the liver, the filter of the human body, and many parts more)
Secondly, the existence of earth with all the weather patterns, the hydrologic cycle of rainfall, the cycle of seasons with all the plants, trees etc. Just go, sit down and read up on the workings of a tree, leaf, functions and cycles, then you will come to the conclusion of the existence of a Higher Authority, the designer of all these complex systems within humans and earth! His name is God and he proves himself through His creation!
Dianne Cuddington
Science has NEVER supported any definition of god!!!!! For you to even suggest that makes you an unabashed LIAR.
It is pathetic that believers will stoop to endless attempts to support their mental delusions, including lying and deception to anybody anywhere!
Wow, that’s quite a bit of angst you have there. And very strongly held opinions. I wonder whether those opinions are able to stand up when faced with the facts presented here. Feel free to post refuting evidence from scientific experts because unsupported personal opinions aren’t worth much when it comes to having a meaningful discussion based on scientific facts. Also, feel free to check into any one of these facts yourself. I think you’ll find all material is presented with integrity – no lies.
Autumn Nova
January 5, 2021 at 10:29 pm Leave reply
God was a man-made concept to help keep people in line before there was any effective justice system.”
I have been searching for over a year for someone, anyone who believes and thinks about the whole “God” subject like I do with no success… until now!!! I know its a long shot but if “T” happens to come across this comment of mine I’d love to talk privately! To possibly finally have found someone who understands me on this subject would be absolutely amazing!
Johan Terblanche
Dear Patrick Sikwane. If you have a bible, please read John 3:16. It says that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son so that WHOSOEVER believed on Him may have everlasting life. It includes me and you. Nothing to do with skin colour. What you must know is that all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. ROMANS 3:23. I suggest that you pray to God in this way: Dear God, the bible says that I am also a sinner and I cannot save myself. But I read in the bible that Jesus paid for everybody’s sin, and if we believe that and put our trust in Jesus, we are saved. Thank you God.”
Patrick, that’s a start in the right direction. May God bless you. And read your New testament in Romans
It’s a good start. Ask God to open the truth to your heart. I pray for you.
First and foremost, every detail, every act and every living thing is very questionable to ask about because we don’t know where life started. However, you must think that everything is made up by a creator in which it is inculcated in us to believe in what we believe. I believe in the special creation theory, which is life was made by our creator which is GOD. The reason why we have the bible and parables, and much more, is for us to have to decipher them to know that GOD exists and will exist again in the future. If you try to read the bible, a lot of things are happening in the real world right now. Also, we have this word called “FAITH”.
Patrick sikwane
As a black person I wonder whether God created us to suffer in this world or it’s people of the world who decided to treat us this way. If God created blacks to suffer, why? It will be shameful if all of the black community doesn’t enter heaven.
Trinity.. God the Father, the son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit….Trinity = 3….
Faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen
Look not at the things that are seen but the things that are not seen. The things you see are temporary. The things that are unseen are eternal. GOD is love. God is peace. God is our savior. God is our healer. God is our resurrection. God is awesome.
God was a man-made concept to help keep people in line before there was any effective justice system.
People who believe in God today do so ONLY because this is how they were raised. It’s a trend, a lifestyle, a habit, a social norm, nothing more.
I don’t actually need to believe in God to be a good person. It’s not out of fear of punishment that I’m a good person, I just choose to be good. I believe in honesty, sincerity and love. But not God.
Some videos here suggest that it’s far too inconceivable to believe that a complex cell could have formed without God’s design. Well, then tell me. Is God make up of cells? Where did God come from and who or what created God? It’s far more inconceivable to explain God’s origin. Forget about the universe, tell me why is there God? How? Why? Where?
And don’t you think it’s a little unfair for one entity to have that much power to create the universe? And why did the universe take so long to be created? Billions of years, surely God could have created it in the blink of an eye.
Nobody can answer these questions because there is no answer.
And why does God expect us to have blind faith? Why all the secrets and games? I will believe with all my heart if I’m given just a tiny bit of proof. But I will never trust other people and what they say. Surely God would know that people lie and cheat, but I’m expected to believe the scriptures handed down to me from thousands of years ago changing hands a thousand times through people I don’t know and I’m expected to trust and believe them? People lie and cheat. I will believe in God if there is more than just hearsay. For now, that’s all there is…. Hearsay and forces of habit.
Christopher Escario Pilleren
I love the way intellectual people see GOD in a real sense
if jesus sent by his father..the question is..WHAT IS THE NAME OF HIS FATHER?
Check the beginning of exodus
‘Yahweh’ which means ‘He exist’
Well all fine, beside missing the science :D. All of this is just bad argumentation with nonsense arguments. Sad.
Interestingly, almost everyone who commented on this site are believers in God which is wonderful. I suspect that all of you do not really need proof and that is called Faith. The articles of Faith are believing in God, the Angels, all His Books (revelations), All His Prophets, the Hereafter and Divine Decree. Submitting to the Will of God, living a righteous life – that of performing good and charitable deeds and staying away from God’s prohibitions is the simple requirement to attain God’s Mercy for a permanent abode in Heaven. It’s actually not that difficult isn’t it? And the proof of this is available for anyone whose heart is open to it…one that will leave you without ANY doubt about the existence of God. God Bless all of you…I pray that you find yoùr way to this Guidance very soon.
Adam Kalis
Ok so, I know my last comment was maybe too controversial to be posted on this website, so here’s a more censorship approved one lol.
Great website. God is amazing, and way way more intelligent and powerful than evil, and liars! That’s why they always get struck with bad karma (lightning, metaphorically), as they dance around praising their own existence, instead of the existence of God!
Why is it so hard for religious people to believe that we are complex creatures. We didn’t just come about in a second, it was a process that took BILLIONS of years to form. We are so complex and hard to understand because we adapted and evolved to be that way. It took BILLIONS of years for cells to form into living organisms. All these videos prove is that the scientists in the videos don’t understand science fully and they are very biased in their thinking. Also no proof is shown, all they do is TRY to debunk science which they are failing miserably at.
Why is it so hard for atheists to believe in god?? There is plenty of evidence for god! You see you said life is so complex! Exactly!!! Life is to complex for evolution to create!!!
No doubt YAH is the creator of all things to be seen and unseen in my naked eyes.
Adam Kalis
Wow. This website is incredible. God is great!! Finally, a point of view that’s NOT from a brainwashed DENIALIST!!! Thank you so much for this site and the videos. So far I’ve only seen the first 2 but I’m already filled with joy. Looking forward to the rest of them!
Also, after listening to Kanye West album Jesus is King yesterday, and living my whole life as “secretly” Eminem’s great grandson and then seeing Dr. Dre get “secretly” murdered using a fake name, after knowing him 8 years, without any mention of it by police or media… No doubt anymore that God surely exists! 🙂
is there a God? unquestionably YES
I think God Created the Holy Spirit and the Word before he created the Heavens and Earth. Yes they are all equal now except only God knows the hour and time.
Jesus Prayed to the Father while on earth. Jesus received the Holy Spirit while being baptized. I believe God can do it all but wanted a separate person for his spirit and the Word was his plan for salvation. Who sits at the right hand of God? Jesus does. I know their separate now called the trinity but God being the God Head was only he in the beginning, but chose to create the HS which is a part of him and sent his Son another part of him for salvation……… I crazy?
This article did not prove anything and just made me more confused. There is no factual or scientific evidence and the article just keeps stating over and over that there is evidence but I don’t see any. The videos show a lack of understanding and research of science and how we came about. Just admit that you have no proof for a god and that religion was made up to control the uneducated masses and stop trying to make atheists look bad with those propaganda videos, it’s pathetic and just shows your ignorance.
God is a spirit he can not be seen or tested in a lab he reveals himself to to those he wants to reveal himself to look around nothing can just appear out of nothing
God is spirit he can not be seen or touched he cannot be put in a lab and tested he reveals himself to anyone he wants nothing can appear out of nothing look around God designed everything 12 disciples were there and saw Jesus do all the miracles Jesus says I have come from the father everything the father does the son does Jesus heals he loves he cares he forgives he died on the cross for you so your sins can be forgiven by God thousands of people saw him on the cross dying three days later he was a alive the 11i minuses judas saw him returning to the father in heaven he is alive
Dear Ben,
I like to agree with you on some issues.I could also be wrong here. I think God, Word (Jesus) and Holy Spirit are not equal. God has no beginning no end (Psalm 90:2) .
Jesus (Word) was created by God before creating anything else as it says in Ecclesiastes or Colossians that he is the firstborn in all creation
Word is the son of God, who he sent to earth to be sacrifed for our sins. while Jesus was on earth he indicated that he was sent by Father.
Then there’s HS, the Bible’s answer The holy spirit is God’s power in action, his active force. (Micah 3:8; Luke 1:35) God sends out his spirit by projecting his energy to any place to accomplish his will. Psalm 104:30; 139:7.
For those who wish to know the best way to God and salvation, please take time to read on this:
It changed my life. I pray to God that it brings you to the change you need. May God bless you in your spiritual journey.
Archie Cabante
Thanks for this,I’m a christian but sometimes,i connot avoid to think that ” does god relly exist?” or ” is god really the one who created life”? And and im sa glad to see this website so the answers of all my questions are been clarified.
Keith Hobbs
I evolved through “the seven ages of man“:
1 Not being interested in God.
2 Asking God to do specific things for me, (and not getting what I asked for!)
3 Followed a career in science which did not seem to confirm the existence of God.
4 Realised the universe without God was illogical.
5 Became a Christian, put my faith in God and asked him to take charge of my life.
6 Even then I struggled with “Biblical truth” and my 20th century educational upbringing.
7 It was not until I realised that God was actually doing personal things in my life that I was really convinced that God exists.
I know how it is human nature to look for proof there is a God, but in my experience it is not until he makes his presence known in ones personal life that one really knows for sure that he exists and is still active and willing to be part of ones life. No proof is required.
P.S. I had a seat booked on flight TK981 on 03/03/1974 before becoming a Christian. I changed my booking the day before it crashed.
Thank you for all this information, I know there is a God, and this information helps me rest on what my faith and my conscience tells me…Jesus Christ is the Son of God who entered our lives and took on my sin so that I did not have to. And I praise him for that.
I don’t think that the fact that life and the universe needed to beat astronomical odds proves that God exists. It might be very likely but we simply don’t know yet and maybe we never will. I don’t understand why people believe in specific deities and act as if they are 100% sure their God exists when they are not. I myself believe there’s a higher being but I don’t assume I’m right, I do not give it a name and I do not presume to know if it’s good or evil or if it has a plan for us. As much as I would want to know, I don’t.
B Israel
It’s called faith. If you read the Bible, you’ll be astonished of how much there is more to life.
Thank you
pls pray my husband illness he is on dialysis 3 x a week. no matter what happen God is incontrol for our lives. To God be the Glory.
Nice! The first site I’ve found that brings the whole story and all the evidence together in one place. God bless!
VICTORIA Britt-Douglass
Another way to communicate on God love and authenticity