In A Nut Shell …
We know now that there are a few dozen mathematical formulas used to describe how the universe works and we know those formulas include cosmological constants that are finely tuned to an inconceivable level of precision. We also know that there are hundreds of other finely tuned factors corresponding to our place in the universe and how the earth is formed and functions around us. The mathematical improbabilities of all these things coming together into one finely tuned universe – even over billions of years – clearly proves that it’s impossible for such a universe to have been created by mere chance – or by any other explanation. The only viable explanation for the existence of such a finely tuned universe designed to support life on earth is God acting as an all-powerful designer who can operate outside the bounds of our universe.
Key Take-Away: We know God exists because we can be 100% certain that He created the finely tuned universe and our position in it to support life on earth.
This 5 1/2 minute video, featuring New York Times best selling author Eric Metaxas, provides a very good high-level overview of the core facts and evidence but comes at it from a different angle starting with the likelihood of life arising on other planets. Metaxas includes key insights from noted scientists including Fred Hoyle, Paul Davies, and John Lennox.
Included below
… are summaries from all the articles in God Created The Universe. Taken together they prove that God exists and God created our position in the finely tuned universe to support life on earth.
Key Insights From God And The Big Bang
- We can be reasonably confident the Big Bang triggered the creation of our universe because we observe evidence showing the universe behaves as it should if such a Big Bang were to have occurred
- The Bible itself has many references to a Big Bang-like universe that are consistent with the laws of science
- Science and religion are NOT at war
- Modern science and the Bible are consistent with each other
- The facts and evidence in favor of an “Old Earth” – one that is billions of years old – is very strong making it difficult to have faith in a literal interpretation of the origin story in Genesis
There are 2 articles on this topic leading to these conclusions. If you haven’t read them yet, click here to read the first short one.
Key Insights From God And The Laws Of Nature
- The universe operates according to a short set of natural laws
- Each of these laws is described mathematically using very concise and elegant formula
- It’s incredible that the whole universe can be described by a set of simple mathematical formulas written on 1-2 pieces of paper!
- There are mathematical constants in many of the important laws of nature; For example, the speed of light constant – c – in e=mc2
- Infinitesimally small changes in any of those constants leads to a universe with no stars and no life
- Our best cosmology scientists recognize that the universe is impossibly fine-tuned to be able to exist and function as it does
- Examples include:
- The gravitational constant, G, is tuned to 1 part in 1060
- The cosmological constant used to calculate the expansion rate of the universe is tuned to 1 part in 10120
- These are just two of the many equally fine tuned mathematical constants present in the laws of nature
- The numbers here are huge and beyond comprehension. Compare them to:
- There have been 1020 seconds since the Big Bang
- There are 1014 cells in your body and 1080 particles (protons, neutrons, electrons and the like) in the known universe
There are only two viable explanations for the impossible fine tuning we see in the universe:
- We incredibly lucky – that the universe was created this way by chance
- An all-powerful intelligence – God – created it this way
With numbers like 1 part in 10120 clearly it’s impossible for us to be just so lucky. Frankly, the faith that it takes to believe we’re just that lucky borders on irrational. The only viable, rational explanation for the existence of such a finely tuned universe is that it was created on purpose by God. There must have been cause, intelligence and purpose involved.
There are 3 articles on this topic leading to these conclusions. If you haven’t read them yet, click here to read the first short one.
Key Insights From God And Our Place In The Universe
- There are more than 400 finely tuned factors associated with where the solar system is located in the Milky Way, about the solar system itself and the earth’s location in the solar system – all of which are required to support life
- There are more than 900 characteristics of the earth that are finely tuned to sustain our intelligent physical life in a globally distributed high-technology environment
- The probability that these hundreds of finely tuned factors came together by random chance to support life on earth is so infinitesimally small that it’s more accurate to say it’s impossible
- The only viable explanation for the existence of such a impossibly finely tuned set of factors is that it was created on purpose by God. There must have been cause, intelligence and purpose involved.
There are 2 articles on this topic leading to these conclusions. If you haven’t read them yet, click here to read the first short one.
Key Insights From Debunking Other Explanations
Some have created alternate explanations for the existence of our finely tuned universe, galaxy, solar system and planet. All are easily debunked.
- Random chance – we’re just that lucky
- Debunked: From all the facts and evidence presented in God Create The Universe material we know this is impossible. The mathematical probabilities and likelihood of all those factors coming together to support life is zero
- The universe must be this way – fine tuned to an incomprehensible level of precision
- Debunked: there’s nothing in the universe forcing any of the finely tuned formulas or factors to be what they are
- Multiverse theory – parallel universes exist and we’re living in the lucky one
- Debunked: There’s no evidence that multiverses exist with different values for the cosmological constants – it’s pure speculation based on no facts
- There’s no evidence nor facts supporting the multiverse theory in general
- The multiverse theory requires a significant amount of fine tuning itself
- Computer simulation – we’re living inside a computer simulation
- Debunked: there’s no evidence that we live in a simulation
- There are no facts leading to this conclusion – it’s all pure conjecture, opinions and personal beliefs
- “Who created the universe, physics, chemistry, laws of nature, finely tuned cosmological constants, and life itself to support the existence of the computer programmer who/that created the initial simulation?”
- An all-powerful, all-knowing God operating outside the bounds of the universe is the only viable explanation
- Debunked: there’s no evidence that we live in a simulation
- Miscellaneous opinions
- Debunked: random opinions and beliefs lack facts and evidence to back them up. Those opinions and beliefs are of no consequence here: we examine facts and evidence for the existence of God
There is 1 article on this topic leading to these conclusions. If you haven’t read it yet, click here to read it.
If you got lost in all the detail or all the science, watch this 8:45 summary video overview from noted homocide detective J. Warner Wallace. He provides a few analogies to help make the point that we’re certain God exists and God created the universe.
In A Nut Shell … Reiterated
We know now that there are a few dozen mathematical formulas used to describe how the universe works and we know those formulas include cosmological constants that are finely tuned to an inconceivable level of precision. We also know that there are hundreds of other finely tuned factors corresponding to our place in the universe and how the earth is formed and functions around us. The mathematical improbabilities of all these things coming together into one finely tuned universe – even over billions of years – clearly proves that it’s impossible for such a universe to have been created by mere chance – or by any other explanation. The only viable explanation for the existence of such a finely tuned universe designed to support life on earth is God acting as an all-powerful designer who can operate outside the bounds of our universe.
Key Take-Away: We know God exists because we can be 100% certain that He created the finely tuned universe and our position in it to support life on earth.