How Did Life Begin On Earth?
That’s one of the most fundamental questions in the universe. And it may surprise you to know that, despite what you were taught in school and read in textbook to this day, we really have no idea. Seriously. No clue.
The mental model we all have in our heads, that life began in a small pool of “primordial soup”, has been disproven and cast aside by scientists. Also, the concept that complex life took billions of years to develop from that primordial soup has been falsified by robust fossil evidence. Even the theory that life started in volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean has been invalidated as has the science fiction dream of life arriving on earth from outer space. The reality is, scientists have no idea how life started. Yet here we are.
In this God Created Life thread we’ll explore all the latest science, facts and evidence. As you expect, we’ll arrive at a conclusion God created life but we’ll look at all the data first – ranging from the traditional explanations to the most current. Then we’ll dive into the cell and its functions – because you can’t explain life without explaining how the first cell (or cell-ish) was created. You’ll be amazed at how things work. In fact, you’ll see how a series of really unbelievable micro machines operate in your cells to carry out its most important functions.
In the end, you’ll see all the facts and evidence and come to only one viable answer to the fundamental question of how life began. In the end, it will be clear that only God could have created such incredibly elaborate and beautiful machines, processes and structures in the cell. Don’t worry if you’re not a math-and-science type. You’ll get it.
Summary Up Front
Bottom line: We can be 100% sure that God created life because only God can design and create the cell and its building blocks at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism.
To prove this, a series of articles containing all the pertinent facts and evidence are presented in five main sections:
- Origin Of Life Theories (2 articles)
- Key Takeaway: Scientists have disproven the Primordial Soup theory, the hydrothermal vent theory and the life-from-outer-space theory. Some scientists have started to claim life started by random chance and luck. Relying on luck is a poor excuse for science. There are no facts nor evidence for “we’re just that lucky”. We can do better.
- Starting To See God In The Cell (2 articles)
- Key Takeaway: To answer the question of how life began we must determine how the first cell was created. And, to determine how the first cell was created, we must look inside the cell and see how it functions. What we find there is truly amazing! In the last few decades, scientists have uncovered an unbelievable world of micro machines and processes that you have to see to believe. We begin to see the hand of God as we dive into the protein, one of the key building blocks in the cell.
- Proof That God Created The Protein (2 articles)
- Key Takeaway: Proteins perform most of the important functions in a cell and are made up of finely tuned chains of amino acids folded into finely tuned 3 dimensional shapes. Scientists have proven that it’s impossible for even the first simple protein to have been created by random chance interactions yet science has no other possible explanation. We can now be 100% sure that God created the first beautiful, finely tuned chain of amino acids that folded into an equally fine-tuned 3 dimensional protein.
- Proof That God Created Other Cell Building Blocks (2 articles)
- Key Takeaway: Like proteins, two other building blocks in the cell are also incredibly complex and precisely finely tuned: sugar molecules (carbohydrates) used to power cellular functions and cell membranes made up of components called lipids. And, like proteins, there’s no science to explain how these elaborate, finely tuned components were created on the early earth. Furthermore, scientists have uncovered the incredible, finely tuned configuration for how proteins interact with each other and the thermodynamic impossibility that early cells were created by chance. We can now be 100% sure that God created the all the components of the cell including carbohydrates, lipids, cell membranes, protein interactions and even the overall cell itself.
- Debunking “Protocells” (1 article)
- Key Takeaway: Many experiments and articles, designed to demonstrate that scientists are close to explaining the origin of early cells, make for great headlines but are, in fact, highly misleading. Renowned scientist, Dr. James Tour factually and colorfully refutes all such experiments and articles using the huge complexity of cell membranes, carbohydrates and protein interactions as evidence. Scientists are nowhere near explaining how the first cells were created. That’s because no science can overcome the overwhelming facts and evidence that prove God created the first cells and, indeed, life itself.
Before proceeding to the God Created Life articles, let’s look at two other introductory topics: 1.) Did it take billions of years for the first signs of life to arise and 2.) In the absence of God, what other processes could have created life?
Did Life Arise Over Billions Of Years?
In the typical “primordial soup” narrative, the basic building blocks of life interacted with each other over and over during billions of years, including some source of energy like lightening or a volcanic vent, until very simple life forms started to appear. Once early life started, then Darwinian evolution took over producing more and more complex organisms – again, over those billions of years.
Contrary to this typical narrative, scientific discoveries made in the last few decades have disproven the “billions of years to create the first sign of life” part of the story. In The Mystery Of Life’s Origin: The Continuing Controversy, Guillermo Gonzalez, a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute and world renowned expert on the astrophysical requirements for habitability, highlights these well-established timeframes:
- The sun and solar system are ~4.56 billion years old
- The oldest rocks/crystals on Earth are 4.37 billion years old
- The earth was a molten sea of magma before this
- The earth was first habitable ~3.8 billion years ago
- Comet and asteroid bombardment declined at this stage
- The oldest undisputed fossil evidence of life is 3.47 billion years old although some less convincing evidence dates back to 3.7 billion years old
- The current and best estimate, even including evidence from the moon (!) indicates life began between ~4.4 and ~3.7 billion years ago
Gonzalez combined these factors with the most up-to-date assessment of conditions on the early earth from across various fields of science to conclude that the window of time for the origin of first life was 100 – 200 million years. And not billions. Per Gonzalez, “This gives chance relatively little time to work its magic.”
Did Life Start From Random Chance Interactions On The Early Earth?
Explaining the origin of life requires explaining the origin of the first cell. Whenever and wherever that happened, be it in the “primordial soup”, volcanic vents or some other location, there has to be an explanation for how the elements and molecules of the early earth came together using chemistry and physics to create the cell and its fundamental building blocks.
In this God Created Life thread we prove that it was impossible to create the building blocks of the cell by random chance interactions among early earth elements and molecules. Without those critical building blocks, there would be no cells, no life and no us.
Some might attempt to explain this by saying, “it’s wasn’t random chance; it was done by natural selection”. But this argument is fallacious. Natural selection occurs over long periods of time based on random mutations. “Random mutations” and “random chance” are the same thing when we’re talking about lifeless chemicals and molecules.
Chemicals don’t know about “natural selection”. All they can do is react based on chemistry and physics. Chemical reactions have no mechanism for deciding when to start and stop. They have no target, no purpose. Chemicals have no way of knowing whether a mutation is helpful, harmful or irrelevant. Chemicals don’t care about life; they don’t know what life is and don’t ascribe any value to life. All chemicals and molecules can do is randomly interact with each other. That’s all that was available on the early earth before life started.
So how did life win the chemistry and physics lottery? What aspect of “random mutation” or “natural selection” can possibly explain the tremendous leap from chemistry and physics to the first forms of life? In a world just filled with chemistry, physics and random chance, there’s no reason for life to pop up. In fact, as we’ll see in later articles, there are many strong reasons for it not to happen. Were we just that lucky? Subsequent articles will clearly show it was impossible to be “just that lucky”.
The fact is, building blocks in the cell and the cell itself were designed and created for a purpose: to support life. It’s literally impossible for them to have been created by chemistry, physics and chance interactions. Furthermore, anytime we see something designed and created for a purpose, we know with 100% certainty that is was designed by an intelligent being. The only intelligent being who can create such a design at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism is God.
Diving Into The Proof That God Created Life
Presented here, in these God Create Life articles, are scientific facts and evidence proving God created the cell and its building blocks. Conversely, there are no reliable scientific facts or evidence, in the fossil record or anywhere else, pointing to any other viable explanation. And there are definitely no facts or evidence for believing it was “natural selection over billions of years”.
Check out the detailed articles in each section for an full explanation of how these conclusions were developed – along with really cool videos.
The articles are ordered in the first three sections so it’s recommended that they be read in the presented order.
In A Nut Shell …
Scientists have disproven the “primordial soup” concept for the origin of life despite what it says in textbooks. They’ve also disproven the concept that complex life took billions of years to develop from that primordial soup, the theory that life started in volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean and the science fiction dream of life arrived on earth from outer space.
Explaining the origin of life requires an explanation for the origin of the cell. Yet scientists have also proven it was impossible for chance interactions among early earth chemicals and molecules to create the cell and its building blocks.
The fact is, building blocks in the cell and the cell itself, were designed and created with a purpose – to support life. Furthermore, anytime we see something designed and created for a purpose, we know with 100% certainty that is was designed by an intelligent being. The only intelligent being who can create such a design at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism is God.
Key Take-Away: We can be 100% sure that God created life because only God can design and create the cell and its building blocks at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism.