The More We Understand The Cell, The More We See The Hand Of God
Two recent threads of cellular research have uncovered more proof that God created life on the early earth. The first one comes from Brian Miller and his essay in by The Mystery of Life’s Origin: The Continuing Controversy. In his essay, Miller uses the science of heat and energy transfer, called thermodynamics, to prove it was impossible for random chance and natural processes to have created the first cell. Brian Miller is Research Coordinator for the Center for Science and Culture at Discovery Institute. He holds a B.S. in physics with a minor in engineering from MIT and a Ph.D. in physics from Duke University.
Order Versus Chaos – A Simple Primer On Thermodynamics
Before we get into Miller’s evidence, let’s cover some basic concepts in the scientific field of thermodynamics. And let’s do so imagining some mythical “primordial soup” in the early earth. In this soup are a bunch of elements and molecules floating around in water so that it looks like an everyday muddy puddle. Assume for a moment there’s no wind, gravity, temperature extremes or other external influence. All the elements and molecules are free to float around with nothing directing them one way or another. In this condition, there are said to be “in equilibrium”. They are also in a highly chaotic state – there’s no semblance of structure or order to their arrangement within the puddle. This highly chaotic state is call “high entropy”.
Now let’s look at the opposite extreme. The puddle is now subject to gravity and is then frozen solid. In this situation, large, dense, heavy molecules may fall closer to the bottom of the puddle. During the freezing process, all elements and molecules will be frozen amongst the ice crystals. In this situation, equilibrium is broken because heavy and light molecules are separated and the precise regularity of the ice crystals have created a sense of order called low entropy. The cause of this change in entropy was a change in energy. Changes in entropy are typically caused by changes in energy. In the case of the puddle, heat energy was withdrawn causing the ice to freeze.
Miller’s Insights
In The Mystery of Life’s Origin: The Continuing Controversy, Miller investigated the thermodynamics of what it would take for a local system of molecules to transition into a cell. Specifically, if we return to the original state of our primordial soup above, Miller argues that the probability of going from an equilibrium state with high entropy (no order) to a more ordered, low entropy state with higher energy levels in a cell is “astronomically small”.
Miller uses two calculations to make this argument:
- Miller’s use of the Evans-Searles Fluctuation Theorem, devised in the 1990s, combined with a past estimate for the entropy in a bacteria cell “… yields the probability from the ESFT for a bacteria cell spontaneously forming of less than 1 in 10109, a clear impossibility even if the first cell were orders of magnitude smaller.” That is, smaller than the bacteria cell.
- Miller uses the Crooks Theorem to conclude “the probability for a driven system absorbing sufficient heat from the environment to provide the needed increase in free energy for the origin of life … corresponds in the Crooks equation to a probability of occurring on the order of 1 in 101011, which is the same as in a system near equilibrium.”
Furthermore, he states:
“The odds do not improve if the process takes place in multiple steps separated by extended periods of time… Any progress could be completely squandered by a few deleterious thermal fluctuations or chemical interactions. Therefore, all origin of life scenarios appear thermodynamically implausible.”
Today, this thermodynamic implausibility is overcome in the cell “by employing complex molecular machinery and finely tuned chemical networks to convert one form of energy from the environment into high-energy molecules.”
The other recent thread of cellular research to highlight here is one involving how proteins interact with other themselves and other components in the cell.
Why Some Proteins Combinations Exist And Not Others?
If you’ll recall from the previous article, Proof That God Created All Proteins, there are ~10,000 different types of proteins in a cell. Some combinations create micro machines, some create enzymes and still others combine for other purposes. In fact, there’s a whole network of interactions in a cell involving proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and other components. Scientists call this network of interactions an “interactome” but the name isn’t important here. What’s important is considering how such a network could have been created in the first cells in the early earth.
Two structural biologists, Peter Tompa of Vrije Universiteit in Brussels and George Rose of Johns Hopkins University, have investigated this issue and, in doing so, extended the Levinthal Paradox – the protein folding problem that we saw in Proof That God Created All Proteins – to the network of interactions in a cell. They describe the problem this way:
“Unlike protein folding, self-assembly of the interactome has not yet prompted such widespread attention, and for understandable reasons. It is a problem of bewildering complexity…Where does one begin? Our goal here is to show that assembly of the interactome in biological real-time is analogous to folding in that the functional state is selected from a staggering number of useless or potentially deleterious alternatives.”
We’ll avoid a mathematical deep dive here like you’ve seen in other articles and jump to the conclusion: Tompa and Rose calculated the total number of possible unique interactome interactions in a single yeast cell containing ~4,500 proteins to be 107.9 x 1010 or 1079,000,000,000.
This is a ridiculously large number. The conclusion that Tompa and Rose come to is obvious:
“Of course, there are additional complicating factors such as alternative splicing, post-translational modifications, non-pairwise macromolecular interactions, incorrect complex formation that is adventitiously stable, and so forth. However, even neglecting such complications, the numbers preclude formation of a functional interactome by trial and error complex formation within any meaningful span of time. This numerical exercise…is tantamount to a proof that the cell does not organize by random collisions of its interacting constituents.“
You can see the original publication from Tompa and Rose here.
One could argue that yeast is a somewhat sophisticated, modern cell. What about a simple cell in the early earth? Even then, a cell with only 50 components would still have 6 x 1031 possible interactions. The implication is that it would be impossible for even such a simple set of interactions to form by chance in the early earth. This assessment is produced by Evolution News here.
There’s no known physics, chemistry or biology that can explain how elaborate sets of interactions among proteins and other components started in early cells in the early earth. Yet these interactions display clear signs of design; they were created for a specific purpose. We know from other articles, when we see signs of design, we know it was created by an intelligent agent. The only intelligence that can create such a design at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism is God.
- Two recent threads of cellular research have uncovered more proof that God created life on the early earth
- In one, Brian Miller uses thermodynamics to prove it was impossible for random chance and natural processes to have created the first cell.
- Miller uses the Evans-Searles Fluctuation Theorem to prove the probability of spontaneously forming a bacteria cell is less than 1 in 10109, a clear impossibility
- He uses the Crooks Theorem to conclude the probability of a cell absorbing sufficient heat from the environment to provide the needed increase in free energy for the origin of life is 1 in 101011, which is the same as in a system near equilibrium. Again, an impossibility
- Current cells use complex molecular machinery and finely tuned chemical networks to overcome this thermodynamic challenge today
- The other recent thread of cellular research to highlight here is one involving how proteins interact with other themselves and other components in the cell
- Two structural biologists, Peter Tompa of Vrije Universiteit in Brussels and George Rose of Johns Hopkins University, extended the Levinthal Paradox to the network of interactions in a cell
- Tompa and Rose calculated the total number of possible unique interactome interactions in a single yeast cell containing ~4,500 proteins to be 107.9 x 1010 or 1079,000,000,000
- “…the numbers preclude formation of a functional interactome by trial and error complex formation within any meaningful span of time. This numerical exercise…is tantamount to a proof that the cell does not organize by random collisions of its interacting constituents.“
- There’s no known physics, chemistry or biology that can explain how elaborate sets of interactions among proteins and other components started in early cells in the early earth nor how a cell can overcome the thermodynamic constraints of the early earth
- These cell and its interactions display clear signs of design; they were created for a specific purpose.
- We know from other articles, when we see signs of design, we know it was created by an intelligent agent.
- The only intelligence that can create such designs at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism is God.
difco peptone
Although I’m not a creationist, I enjoy thinking about these kinds of arguments now and then, so thanks for providing food for thought. I read Miller’s chapter 14 in Mystery of Life’s Origin, and I have a few quibbles with the parts that rely on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. From the chapter:
“The first derived theorem was the Evans-Searles fluctuation theorem (ESFT).
It demonstrated in dissipative systems that entropy can run in reverse. But probabilities drop exponentially with the magnitude of the entropy decrease.”
This is correct, but that refers to *total* entropy decrease, of system plus surroundings. That is relevant to the next couple of quotations.
“In the context of the origin of life, the theorem demonstrates the implausibility of any realistic energy source, such as sunlight or heat from a
thermal vent, driving a local system toward dramatically lower entropy.”
No, it doesn’t say anything directly about whether the system by itself can have lowered entropy. In this sense, the fluctuation theorem can’t say any more than the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics itself.
“As mentioned in Chapter 8 above, Harold Morowitz performed a crude estimate for the reduction of entropy in the formation of a cell associated with the generation of macromolecules (e.g. RNA, DNA, proteins). His approximation for the entropy reduction was on the order of .1 cal/ deg-gm. This quantity corresponds in a bacterium to a reduction of greater than 10^10 nats, which yields a probability from the ESFT for a bacterial cell spontaneously forming of less than 1 in 10^10^9 , a clear impossibility even if the first cell were orders of magnitude smaller.”
The entropy change calculations Morowitz did on pp 86-97 of Energy Flow in Biology are for the chemical reaction system
water + carbon dioxide + nitrogen gas + sulfuric acid + phosphoric acid —> biomass + oxygen gas
and related systems. It is the change in entropy for the matter involved in this reaction. It is not a calculation of overall entropy change, i.e. for system plus surroundings. So taking this value and plugging it in the Evans-Searles Fluctuation Theorem is misapplying it.
“Similar to the ESFT, the Crooks theorem shows that there is a finite probability that, while work is performed on the system, the increase in
free energy can exceed the amount of applied work: A – ∆F is negative. As a result, heat will be absorbed from the bath and converted to free
energy, thus gaining energy for free. However, the probability drops exponentially with the magnitude of the heat absorbed.”
This is basically correct. The quantity A – ∆F is the amount of dissipated work, which is proportional to the total entropy production in the Evans-Searles Fluctuation Theorem. So the Crooks Theorem is saying the same thing as the ESFT, that the probability of a negative total entropy production is exponentially small.
“The Crooks theorem can be used to calculate the probability for a driven system absorbing sufficient heat from the environment to provide
the needed increase in free energy for the origin of life.”
No, there’s no reason to assume that in a *driven* system, an increase in free energy has to come from absorbing heat from the surroundings. So long as the work done on the system is greater than the increase in free energy of the system, A – ∆F is positive and there is no problem. Miller is once again assuming that overall entropy production is negative without justification.
“…Morowitz estimated that the formation of a cell would require a collection of prebiotic molecules absorbing roughly 10^-9 joules
(10^10 eV) of heat. This value corresponds in the Crooks equation to a probability of occurring on the order of 1 in 10^10^11, which is the same as
in a system near equilibrium. ”
The reason he gets the same answer as Morowitz’ calculation for a system near equilibrium is that Miller has ignored the driving force that drives the system away from equilibrium. He did this when he assumed that an increase in free energy could only be the result of absorbing heat. Miller is applying the theorem incorrectly.
The whole point of Harold Morowitz spending roughly one third of his book doing calculations of maximum probabilities of a cell fluctuating into existence in *equilibrium conditions* is to show that they are so tiny that nobody should be conceiving of the origin of life as a fluctuation. As the title of his book suggests, he wants people to think of it instead as a systematic process in non-equilibrium conditions of energy flow through the chemicals near the surface of the earth. The calculation that Miller is referring to above (where he gets 1 in 10^10^11) is on p 66 of Morowitz’ book. Just two pages later (pp 68-70), Morowitz begins a calculation that shows that the energy enrichment of biomass above the ground state, which he estimates as 0.07eV per atom, can be achieved by sunlight with no problem. Constantly quoting Morowitz’ calculations relating to fluctuations in equilibrium without mentioning his non-equilibrium calculations assuming energy flux is not giving an accurate representation of his book. I don’t think Miller is being deliberately misleading. I’m just pointing out that it has that effect.