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Summary Up Front

Conclusions From All Proof Of God Articles

6 minute read plus 3 videos

Overall Summary For Proof Of God


For a better part of the last 200 years, we’ve been told that scientific discovery is the only tool we can use to explain the wonders of our natural universe and world.  However, in the last several decades as our scientific understanding has accelerated, we have learned that science doesn’t necessarily have all the answers.  In fact, the more we understand about how the universe and life work, the more we see the hand of God in their creation.  Ironically, advances in science are doing more to prove the existence of God, not less.  The content presented in this site documents many of those advances.

Here are high-level conclusions from each section based on the facts and evidence developed in the articles within those sections.  Taken individually and together they prove God exists, God created the universe and God created life.


God Created The Universe

  • Science and religion are not at war; they are aligned on the creation of the universe starting with a Big Bang
  • It has been discovered that the universe is impossibly fine-tuned to be able to exist and function as it does
    • The laws of the universe are so finely tuned that it’s impossible for them to have been created by chance.  The only viable, rational explanation for the existence of such a finely tuned universe is that it was created on purpose by God
  • In addition, there are hundreds of finely tuned characteristics about the earth and its place in the solar system
    • The probability that they were established by chance is also zero. The only viable, rational explanation for the existence of such a finely tuned planet and solar system is that it was also created on purpose by God
  • Several alternate explanations, including random chance, multiverses and computer simulations, are examined and refuted as being either impossible or mere speculation based on zero facts and evidence
    • Even the multiverse concept requires a vast amount of fine tuning by an intelligence operating with infinite power outside the confines of the universe – aka God

    Summary Take-away: We know God exists because we can be 100% certain that He created the finely tuned universe and our position in it to support life on earth.


    Keep In Mind: These and all other facts, evidence and conclusions come from scientists and experts in their field.  The conclusions presented here may sound irrational.  Fair enough at this stage.  Just read a few of the articles, watch some videos, see for yourself and then come to your own conclusions.

Watch the first 3 minutes of this excellent video from the God Created The Universe thread to whet your appetite on the topic and get you started learning just how finely tuned the universe really is.

The Finely Tuned Universe

God Created Life

  • Scientists have disproven the Primordial Soup theory, the hydrothermal vent theory and the life-from-outer-space theory for the origin of life on earth. Some scientists have started to claim life started by random chance and luck
    • Relying on luck is a poor excuse for science. There are no facts nor evidence for “we’re just that lucky”. We can do better
  • To answer the question of how life began we must determine how the first cell was created. And, to determine that, we must look inside the cell and see how it functions. What we find there is truly amazing!
    • In the last few decades, scientists have uncovered an unbelievable world of micro machines and processes that you have to see to believe
    • We begin to see the hand of God as we dive into one of the key building blocks in the cell, the protein
  • Proteins perform most of the important functions in a cell and are made up of finely tuned chains of amino acids folded into finely tuned 3 dimensional shapes
    • Scientists have proven it’s impossible for early proteins to have been created by random chance interactions yet science has no other possible explanation
    • We can now be 100% sure that God created the first beautiful, finely tuned proteins because only God can create such finely tuned marvels at a molecular level
  • Like proteins, other building blocks in the cell are also incredibly complex and precisely fine tuned.  Two examples are sugar molecules (carbohydrates) used to power cellular functions, and cell membranes made up of components called lipids
    • In addition, scientists have uncovered the incredible, finely tuned configuration for how proteins interact with each other
    • Like proteins themselves, scientists have proven it’s impossible for these finely tuned cell building blocks and interaction networks to have been created on the early earth by random chance interactions yet science has no other possible explanation
    • We can now be 100% sure that God created the all the components of the cell including carbohydrates, lipids, cell membranes, protein interactions and even the overall cell itself
  • Many experiments and articles, designed to demonstrate that scientists are close to explaining the origin of early cells, make for great headlines but are, in fact, highly misleading
    • Renowned scientist Dr. James Tour factually and colorfully refutes all such experiments and articles using his detailed understanding of how chemistry and physics really work at the cell level
    • Scientists are nowhere near explaining how the first cells were created. That’s because no science can overcome the overwhelming facts and evidence that prove God created the first cells and life itself

Summary Take-Away: We can be 100% sure that God created life because only God can design and create the cell and its building blocks at a molecular level within every cell within every living organism.

Watch this amazing 3 1/2 minute video from Illustra Media showing one of the unbelievable micro machines that operates in every one of your cells.  The “walking” behavior you see there is real!  Several such micro machines are presented in the God Created Life thread along with a lot of cool videos of other cell processes

A Micro Machine In Your Cells

God Created Complex Life

  • DNA includes finely tuned information that’s stored, transmitted and communicated like all other information we see on a daily basis
    • The information found in DNA is analogous to the information found in words, sentences, math formulas and songs on the radio – like all information that’s stored, transmitted and communicated in our day-to-day lives
  • To fully explain the origin of life requires an explanation for the origin of the information found in DNA
    • There is no known science to explain how finely tuned information was first created on the early earth but when we see signs of it present in DNA, we know for a fact it was created by an intelligent agent
  • Furthermore, the information found in DNA is both complex and specified. As such, is has meaning and purpose
    • Scientific research proves that such information could not have been created by chance on the early earth
  • When we see information with meaning and purpose we know for a fact it was created by an intelligent agent
  • The only intelligence that can create such finely tuned information with meaning and purpose at a molecular level within every cell in every living organism is God

Summary Take-Away: We can be 100% sure that God created complex life because only God can create finely tuned information with meaning and purpose at a molecular level within every cell in every living organism.


One More Time In Case You’re Skeptical: These and all other facts, evidence and conclusions come from scientists and experts in their field.  The conclusions presented here may sound irrational.  Fair enough at this stage.  Just read a few of the articles, watch some videos, see for yourself and then come to your own conclusions.

Watch this 4 minute video featuring Dr. Stephen Meyer as he describes the information in DNA and where it came from.  This is an excellent overview of the material discussed in the God Created Complex Life thread.

Information In DNA

Conclusion Of Conclusions

It’s clear.  There’s an overwhelming preponderance of facts and evidence established by scientists who are experts in their field to prove that God exists, God created the universe and God created life.  This conclusion is irrefutable.  In addition, there are no facts and no evidence to support any other explanations.  Sure, many people have other opinions, conjectures and beliefs.  But keep in mind that they are just that: opinions, conjectures and beliefs based on no facts.  Keep reading here to see the real science facts presented by scientists who are experts in their fields.

Start With The First God Created The Universe Article


  1. Michael Jesney

    If there is a god then god must be intelligent energy and that means every animal, man,woman bird sheep fish, worm, tree, blade of grass etc is also intelligent energy but what worries me is if there is a god and all the evidence points to the fact that there is then there is also a devil / satan.

  2. Joe Canad

    The first and only “Proof for God” is in fact the Big Bang. As many scientists point out, before the Big Bang there was no matter, therefore no time (the measure of decay) and no space (the distance between matter). Because there was “nothing” there could be “no one”. From this unchangeable state of “nothingness” there had to be an active decision to create a change… that takes a “spaceless, timeless, matterless being” — i.e. “God”. God had to make the decision to not only change the nothingness into “something” but HE had to do it in a precisely engineered way, that defies all randomness… the levels of carbon, expansion rate, etc., etc., right down to the illogical formation of gaseous element concentrations that would not have ‘randomly’ formed…. right through to each second of each day, where these balances are meticulously maintained as the physicists say ‘by an invisible engineer’ to keep everything from coming apart or imploding into itself.

    Fantastic work — you ‘sum up’ dozens of books I’ve read over decades, and do it well. Look at the Uncommon Knowledge series for interviews wherePeter Robinson discusses the failure of Darwinism with David Berlinski, David Gelernter, and Stephen Meyer — their individual interviews are there as well on topics such as the Hand of God, etc.

  3. Elsa

    Very substantial information click after click!

  4. Geoff Gwynne

    Very interesting line up of videos and articles. Do you prefer the word “proof” to “evidence” or “argument for”?

    Geoff, from the The Kitchen

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